


10 Halls Close Drayton Abingdon, OX14 4LU



Variation of condition 8 (Drainage Details (Foul Water) (Full) in application P23/V1805/S73

Erection of 22 dwellings together with replacement garage for 10 Halls Close.




As amended by plans and information received 19 July 2017; as amended by plans received 8 February 2018.



Hill Partnerships Limited















Andy Cooke



Amanda Rendell






This application is referred to planning committee at the request of Councillor Andy Cooke due to concerns regarding drainage and sewerage issues in the area.



The application site is a former paddock at the rear of 10 Halls Close in Drayton (figure 1 below). Outline planning permission (ref P15/V2077/O) was granted on appeal in November 2016 for up to 28 dwellings, and a reserved matters application (P17/V1225/RM) was approved in April 2018 for 22 dwellings.


Figure 1: Location Plan


The approved development originally consisted of 11 age restricted units, 3 market units and 8 affordable units. All pre-commencement conditions were discharged prior to the commencement of development on site on 8 October 2018.



An application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission P17/V1225/RM and remove condition 14 (age restricted units) of the outline consent (ref P15/V2077/O) was approved under application P22/V2546/S73 in March 2023. This application made minor changes to the layout as well as some elevation changes to plots 1 and 2. The application also amended the age restricted units to open market units, resulting in a total of 14 market units and 8 affordable units.



A further application for the variation of Condition 1 (Approved plans) was approved under application P23/V1805/S73 on 13 March 2023 to change the layout and house types proposed and the latest approved layout is shown below at figure 2.



Figure 2: Approved site layout under P23/V1805/S73.





The current application seeks to vary condition 8 (Drainage Details- Foul water) on the latest application (P23/V1805/S73) which currently reads:


Prior to the use or occupation of any new building, the scheme for the foul water drainage shall be fully implemented in accordance with the details approved under application P18/V2086/DIS. No discharge of foul water from the site shall be made into the public system until the drainage works referred to in the strategy have been completed.

Reason: To ensure the effective drainage of the site in the interest of public health (Policy CP42 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 and Policy DP23 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 2).



Condition 8 requires that the approved foul water drainage system shall be wholly installed prior to first occupation of any dwelling. However, the developer wishes to progress the development with a phased handover of the scheme with five units (1, 2, 20, 21, & 22) being handed over to new owners before completion of the development. To allow for this to happen, these units have been moved onto a gravity fed foul drainage system which runs into the north most manhole, whilst the remainder of the scheme is via a pumped system. These two systems work separately and only interact at the very last manhole before connecting into the existing sewer. The wording as it stands would prevent the developer from selling the first five units whilst the remainder are being built.



It is therefore proposed that the condition be varied to read:


Prior to the use or occupation of each new building, all foul water drainage elements required to serve that building shall be fully implemented in accordance with the scheme for the foul water drainage as modified under application P23/V2847/S73.


Reason: To ensure the effective drainage of the site in the interest of public health (Policy CP42 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 and Policy DP23 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 2).






A summary of the latest responses received from consultees and third parties to the application is below. Full responses received can be viewed online at





This application has been publicised in accordance with Article 15 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) and the Council’s procedures, including the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), December 2022.



Statutory Consultee responses




Drayton Parish Council


No comments received

Oxfordshire County Council-Highways  

No objection.

Oxfordshire County Council-Lead Local Flood Authority.

No objection.

Thames Water

No comments




Council - professional officer comments





Drainage Officer

No objection




Forestry Officer

No objection


Public responses







Neighbour Objections

Two letters of representation:

·         Application is seeking to resolve problems with drainage that should have been previously approved not retrospectively.

·         Variation of condition puts greater strain on existing foul water drainage system.

·         Developments need to contribute to drainage and roads etc.

·         Impact on adjacent properties





Application Number

Description of development

Decision and date




Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) in application P22/V2546/S73 to change the layout and the house types proposed. (As amended by plans received on 25 September 2023 & 02 November 2023 & as amplified by plan received 07 November 2023)



Approved (07/11/2023)



Discharge of condition 5 (External Lighting Details) under application reference number P17/V1225/RM.



Other Outcome (17/07/2023)



Discharge of condition 4 (Wall Materials) under application reference number P22/V2546/S73



Approved (22/06/2023)



Minor amendment on application P22/V2546/S73 for minor changes to the elevational treatments.



Other Outcome (16/06/2023)



Outline application for the erection of up to 31 dwellings with associated means of access, car parking, public amenity space, landscaping and associated infrastructure (with all matters reserved except for access).


Withdrawn (22/05/2023)



Discharge of condition 5(External Lighting Details) on application P17/V1225/RM.



Approved (28/04/2023)



Variation of conditions 2 (Approved Plans) on planning application P17/V1225/RM and removal of condition 14 (Age Restriction) on planning application P15/V2077/O. (As amended by plans and additional documentation received 16 December 2022, 10 January 2023, 19 January 2023, 27 January 2023 and 31 January 2023). (Description corrected and clarified in agreement with agent on 16 February 2023).



Approved (13/03/2023)



Removal of condition 14 (age restricted units) - on application ref. P15/V2077/O



Refused (02/05/2019) - Appeal allowed (30/09/2019)



Discharge of condition 6 - foul water drainage strategy on application ref. P15/V2077/O



Approved (26/10/2018)



Discharge of condition 2 - Contamination Evaluation Report and 4 - Materials on application ref P17/V1225/RM.



Approved (03/09/2018)



Discharge of conditions 5 - sustainable surface water drainage scheme, 8 - travel plan, 9 - archaeological investigation and 12 - details of vehicular access to the site and visibility splays on application ref. P15/V2077/O


Approved (24/08/2018)



Discharge of condition 3 - Biodiversity Offsetting on application ref P17/V1225/RM.



Approved (01/08/2018)



Discharge of condition 7 - Construction Traffic Management Plan and 10 - Archaeology Evaluation Report. On application P15/V2077/O.



Approved (18/07/2018)



Erection of 22 dwellings together with replacement garage for 10 Halls Close. As amended by plans and information received 19 July 2017; as amended by plans received 8 February 2018.


Approved (19/04/2018)



Outline application on Land to the Rear of 10 Halls Close, Drayton to provide up to 28 no. dwellings with all matters reserved except access (As amended by Drawing No: 14.070.SK13 (Site Layout) accompanying agent's letter dated 2 November 2015)

Refused (27/01/2016) - Appeal allowed (02/11/2016)






This proposal does not exceed 150 dwellings, the site area is under 5ha and is not within a ‘sensitive area’ as defined by the EIA regulations. Consequently, the proposal is beneath the thresholds set in Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as amended) and this proposal is not EIA development and there is no requirement under the Regulations to provide a screening opinion.






National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance



Development Plan Policies


Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 1 (LPP1) Policies:

CP01 - Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development

CP03 - Settlement Hierarchy

CP04 - Meeting Our Housing Needs

CP05 - Housing Supply Ring-Fence

CP07 - Providing Supporting Infrastructure and Services

CP08 - Spatial Strategy for Abingdon-on-Thames and Oxford Fringe Sub-Area

CP22 - Housing Mix

CP23 - Housing Density

CP24 - Affordable Housing

CP33 - Promoting Sustainable Transport and Accessibility

CP35 - Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

CP37 - Design and Local Distinctiveness

CP38 - Design Strategies for Strategic and Major Development Sites

CP39 - The Historic Environment

CP40 - Sustainable Design and Construction

CP42 - Flood Risk

CP43 - Natural Resources

CP44 - Landscape

CP45 - Green Infrastructure

CP46 - Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity

CP47 - Delivery and Contingency


A Regulation 10A review (five-year review) for Local Plan Part 1 (LPP1) has been completed. The review shows that five years on, LPP1 (together with LPP2) continues to provide a suitable framework for development in the Vale of White Horse that is in overall conformity with government policy.


Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 2 (LPP2) Policies:

CP4a - Meeting our Housing Needs

CP8a - Additional Site Allocations for Abingdon-on-Thames and Oxford

DP02 - Space Standards

DP16 - Access

DP20 - Public Art

DP21 - External Lighting

DP23 - Impact of Development on Amenity

DP24 - Effect of Neighbouring or Previous Uses on New Developments

DP25 - Noise Pollution

DP26 - Air Quality

DP27 - Land Affected by Contamination

DP28 - Waste Collection and Recycling

DP31 - Protection of Public Rights of Way, National Trails and Open Access Areas

DP33 - Open Space

DP34 - Leisure and Sports Facilities

DP36 - Heritage Assets

DP37 - Conservation areas

DP39 - Archaeology and Scheduled Monuments



Emerging Joint Local Plan 2041

The Council is preparing a Joint Local Plan covering Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire, which when adopted will replace the existing local plans. Currently at the Regulation 18 stage, the Joint Local Plan Preferred Options January 2024 has limited weight when making planning decisions. The starting point for decision taking will remain the policies in the current adopted plans.



Neighbourhood Plan


Drayton Neighbourhood Plan Policies:

P-LF3 – Building design guidance

P-LF4 – Conservation Area

P-LF5 – The historic environment

P-LF6 – Additional greenery - new developments

P-WP1 – Connected development

P-T1 – Travel plans

P-S1 – Biodiversity

P-H2 – Affordable housing

P-H3 – Contributions

P-H4 – External facilities


Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents


·         Joint Design Guide SPD 2022: The Joint Design Guide sets out design principles to guide future development and encourage a design-led approach to development.


·         Developer Contributions – Delivering Infrastructure to Support Development SPD 2017: The Developer Contributions SPD was adopted on 30 June 2017 and provides guidance on how planning obligations will work alongside CIL to deliver the infrastructure needed to support development in the Vale.


Other Relevant Legislation

Due regard has been had to the following legislation;

              Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Act) 1990

              Community & Infrastructure Levy Legislation

              Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998

              Obligations under Section 149 of the Equalities Act 2010

              Provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998

              Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006

              The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010

              Localism Act (including New Homes Bonus)

              Section 85 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000





The relevant planning considerations are the following:


·         Principle of development

·         Principle of varying conditions

·         Drainage



Principle of development


Outline planning permission (ref P15/V2077/O) was granted on appeal in November 2016 for up to 28 dwellings, and a reserved matters application (P17/V1225/RM) was approved in April 2018 for 22 dwellings. The approved development has been lawfully commenced. The principle of development is therefore established and is not for reconsideration as part of this application.



Principle of varying conditions


When planning permission is granted, development must take place in accordance with the permission and conditions attached to it, and with any associated legal agreements. New issues may arise after planning permission has been granted, which require modification of the approved proposals, and under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 an application can be made to vary or remove conditions associated with a planning permission. One of the uses of a section 73 application is to seek a material amendment, where there is a relevant condition that can be varied. Under section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 an application can be made for development without complying with a condition subject to which planning permission was granted.



The relevant planning considerations for this application are only the matters for which the modification is sought. All the other matters were dealt with as part of the approved application and are not for re-consideration here.





Core Policy 42 of LPP1 requires developments to provide a drainage strategy and DP23 requires development proposals to demonstrate that they will not result in significant adverse impacts on the amenity of neighbouring uses.  



Whilst concern has been expressed locally that this application is seeking to approve drainage issues retrospectively, flood risk and drainage were previously assessed in detail on the outline application and were considered acceptable. Since then, a detailed foul water drainage strategy was submitted and approved under P18/V2086/DIS on 26 October 2018 as required under the original outline consent (P15/V2077/O).



The Councils Drainage Officer does not raise any objections to the revisions to the drainage arrangements proposed and no concerns are expressed that this would put a greater strain on the existing foul water drainage system serving adjacent properties. Implementing a gravity fed foul drainage system (independent of the pumped drainage) to units 1, 2, 20, 21, & 22 would allow these dwellings to be occupied ahead of completion of the remaining development which would use a pumped system. These two systems work separately and only interact at the very last manhole before connecting into the existing sewer.



Thames Water have confirmed that they do not wish to make any comments on the application.



Therefore, given the lack of any concern or objection from technical drainage consultees, there is no reason in your officers’ opinion to withhold planning permission on drainage grounds.



Community Infrastructure Levy.


Since the approval of the outline consent, the Council has adopted a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging schedule. However, no increases in floor space are proposed as part of this application.



S106 Developer Contributions and Affordable Housing.


This site is already subject to a signed Unilateral Undertaking at outline stage which allows for S73 applications, therefore no new agreement is required.



Concerns have been expressed that new developments should invest in drainage and roads etc. The signed unilateral undertaking secured the provision of affordable housing and financial contributions towards a range of matters including education, outdoor recreational facilities, street naming, improvements to the village hall and traffic calming.



With regard to the affordable housing clause, of the twenty-two units granted permission under P17/V1225/RM, eight of these have been secured as affordable with the remainder being market dwellings. Plots 1,2, 20, 21 and 22  affected by the alternative drainage arrangements are all market units.



The Unilateral Undertaking secured at outline stage requires no occupation of the open market dwellings until a contract has been entered into with a Registered Provider.  Secondly, no more than 70% of the open market dwellings should be occupied until 100% of the affordable dwellings have been completed and transferred or leased pursuant to the Contract with the Registered Provider. The completion of the market units listed would result in 5 units being handed over first (36%) therefore there is no conflict with the extant legal agreement.



Pre-commencement conditions


In accordance with Section 100ZA (6) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) the pre-commencement conditions have been agreed with the agent.



All pre-commencement planning conditions on the outline consent and reserved matters consent have been discharged and will therefore be reworded to reflect this. Conditions that remain relevant will be transferred over to any new permission granted under this S73 application.




Other Relevant Legislation


Human Rights Act 1998

The provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 have been taken into account in the processing of the application and the preparation of this report.



Equality Act 2010

In determining this planning application, the Council has regard to its equalities obligations including its obligations under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.



Crime and Disorder Act 1998

In considering this application, due regard has been given to the likely effect of the proposal on the need to reduce crime and disorder in accordance with Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. In reaching a recommendation, officers consider that the proposal will/will not undermine crime prevention or the promotion of community safety.





This application has been determined against the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. In considering the application, due regard has been given to the representations received from statutory and other consultees. These have been taken into account in assessing the overall scheme.



The principle of developing the site for residential development was approved under P15/V2077/O in November 2016 and construction is underway. The proposed changes to the drainage arrangements to the properties listed are acceptable from a technical perspective providing satisfactory drainage arrangements for the development complying with the relevant development plan policies and the provisions of the NPPF.



Abbreviated versions of the recommended conditions (updated/amended accordingly where relevant) are listed below and shown in full in Appendix 1.






Planning permission is granted, subject to the following conditions:



1.    Time Limit

2.    Approved Plans

3.    Access in accordance with approved plans

4.    Tree protection in accordance with approved details

5.    External lighting in accordance with approved details

6.    Materials in accordance with approved details

7.    Drainage details (surface water) in accordance with approved details

8.    Drainage details (foul water) in in accordance with approved details

9.    Boundary treatments in accordance with approved plans

10. Landscaping scheme in accordance with approved plans

11. Construction Traffic in accordance with approved details

12. Green Travel Plan in accordance with approved plans

13. Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement in accordance with approved plans.












Officer            Amanda Rendell


Tel: 01235 422600




Appendix 1.

Recommended Conditions (full text):





Time Limit

The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than 19th October 2018.


Reason: By virtue of Sections 91 to 95 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


Approved Plans

That the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the following approved plans:


- Site Plan Existing 143-PS-S73-2-100

- Site Plan Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-101

- Site Plan with bin pull distances 143-PS-S73-2-300

- Site Roof Layout with Materials 14.070.S1.02.03 Rev G

- Landscape Plan Proposed 855-01J

- Street Lighting Design Proposed MMA17846-001 Rev R2

- Plot 1 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-200

- Plot 2 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-201

- Plot 3 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-202A

- Plot 4 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-203

- Plot 5 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-204

- Plot 6 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-205

- Plot 7 & 8 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-206

- Plot 9 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-207

- Plot 10 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-208

- Plot 11 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed  143-PS-S73-2-209

- Plot 12-13 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed  143-PS-S73-2-210

- Plot 14 & 15 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed  143-PS-S73-2-211

- Plot 16 &17 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-212

- Plot 18 & 19 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed  143-PS-S73-2-213

- Plot 20 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-214

- Plot 21 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-215

- Plot 21 Garage Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-216

- Plot 22 Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-217

- Garages Elevations, Floor & Roof Plans Proposed 143-PS-S73-2-218


Approved plans from application no. P22/V2546/S73

- Site Plan with BCP 143-PA-1-200

- Site Layout and Levels H1355-PL401N

- Site Layout and Drainage H1355-PL402N

- Section 38 Layout H1355-PL403P

- Section 104 layout H1355-PL405L

- Swept Path Analysis H1355-PL-TR02 C


Approved Plans from application no. P15/V2077/O (APP/V3120/W/16/3144811):

- Location Plan 14.070.SI.01

- Proposed Site Access Arrangement drawing - Figure 3.1 from within the Transport Statement (TPA, Aug15)


Approved Plans from application no. P17/V1225/RM:

- Site Layout Existing 14.070.SI.01.01

- Reposition of Garage 14.070.GAR.5

- Garden & Bin Store 14.070.GAR.6

- Type 2 Pumping Station Typical Arrangement DRY-HYD-XX-XX-DR-C-2500 Rev P1


Drainage Plans:


-Adaptable Drainage Details 1 of 2: H1355-420 Rev A

-Adaptable Drainage Details 2 of 2: H1355-421 Rev B

-Private Drainage Details: H1355-422

-Site Layout and Drainage: H1355-402 Rev S

-Site Plan: 143-WD-100 Rev H


except as controlled or modified by conditions of this permission.


Reason: To secure the proper planning of the area in accordance with Development Plan policies.


Access details

Vehicular access to the site and visibility splays at that access shall be implemented in full accordance with the approved plans and supporting information accompanying the planning application. All access and visibility splays shown on the approved drawings shall be provided prior to the first occupation or use of the new development and, thereafter, visibility splays shall be permanently maintained free from obstruction to vision.


Reason: In the interest of highway safety  (Policy CP37 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 and Policy DP16 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 2).


Tree Protection

The tree protection details as shown on the approved Arboricultural Impact and Tree Protection Plan Drawing number 1484-TPP-002-A 002 Rev A shall be put in place prior to any on site works including demolition and thereafter retained in situ for the duration of development.


Reason: To safeguard trees which are visually important and to protect trees on the site in the interest of visual amenity  (Policy CP44 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1).


External Lighting

The external lighting for the site shall be provided in accordance with the details shown on approved drawing MMA17846-001 Rev R2.


Reason: In the interest of visual amenity (Policies CP37 and CP39 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 part 1 and Policies P-LF3 and PLF4 of the adopted Drayton Neighbourhood Plan)


Approved materials

The development shall be built using only the external materials shown on the approved drawing 14.070.S1.02.03 Rev G.


Reason: In the interest of visual amenity (Policy CP37 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1).


Surface water drainage details

Prior to the use or occupation of any new building, the scheme for the surface water drainage shall be fully implemented in accordance with the details approved under application P18/V1195/DIS.


Reason: To ensure the effective drainage of the site and to avoid flooding  (Policy CP42 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1).


Foul water drainage details

Prior to the use or occupation of each new building, all foul water drainage elements required to serve that building shall be fully implemented in accordance with the scheme for the foul water drainage as modified under application P23/V2847/S73.


Reason: To ensure the effective drainage of the site in the interest of public health  (Policy CP42 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 and Policy DP23 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 2).


Boundary details as approved

All of the site’s internal and external boundaries shall be enclosed in accordance with the details shown on approved drawing number 855-01J. The approved boundary treatments for each dwelling shall be completed prior to the occupation of that dwelling, and all of the approved boundary treatments shall be completed prior to the occupation of the last dwelling on the site.


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and residential amenity  (Policy CP37 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 and Policy DP23 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 2).


Landscaping scheme as approved

All hard and soft landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with the details as shown on approved drawing number 855-01J. Thereafter, the landscaped areas shall be maintained for a period of 5 years. Any trees or shrubs which die or become seriously damaged or diseased within 5 years of planting shall be replaced by trees and shrubs of similar size and species to those originally planted.


Reason: To ensure the implementation of appropriate landscaping which will improve the environmental quality of the development  (Policy CP44 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1).


Construction Traffic

The Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) approved under application P18/V1343/DIS, shall be implemented prior to any works being carried out on site, and shall be maintained throughout the course of the development.


Reason:  In the interest of highway safety and to mitigate the impact of construction vehicles on the surrounding highway network, road infrastructure and to protect the amenities of the occupants of adjacent dwellings during construction (Policies CP35, CP37 and CP42 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 part 1, Policies DP16 and DP23 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 part 2 and the NPPF).


Travel Plan

The development hereby approved shall be implemented and thereafter managed in accordance with the measures stated in the Travel Plan approved under application P18/V1195/DIS.


Reason: To encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport (Policies CP33, CP35 and DP17 of the adopted Local Plan).


Ecological mitigation and enhancement

The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in full accordance with the scheme of mitigation, compensation and enhancement contained in Section 6 of the Ecological Appraisal (Malford Environmental Consulting, 3 July 2015). Any variation shall be agreed in writing by the local planning authority before such change is made. This condition will be discharged on receipt of a letter from the project ecologist providing evidence to demonstrate that the mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures have been implemented in accordance with the approved report.


Reason: To minimise the ecological impacts of development (Policy CP46 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1).